Program Overview

The PSE&G Energy Saver Business Program (program) relies on installation contractors, distributors/manufacturers, engineers and project managers to help raise awareness of the energy efficiency program. PSE&G's program helps business customers reduce their energy use so they can save money.

If you're in the business of helping other businesses, schools, industrial and public agency customers save energy, you should consider becoming a PSE&G Business Energy Saver Trade Ally under one or more program paths:

  • Open Network (Standard and Custom Incentives)
  • Energy Management (SEM and/or RCx)
  • Small Business Direct Install

Please note: Applicants to Small Business Direct Install and Energy Management Trade Ally Networks must complete additional screening. We will contact you after receiving your Trade Ally Application to complete the screening process. Click here to review Energy Management Trade Ally Requirements

Benefits include:

  • -Access to free exclusive program training
  • -Access to the Trade Ally Portal and Online Application
  • -Your company listed as a registered program Trade Ally on
  • -Assigned Outreach Professional to assist with program questions
  • -Ability to receive project payment; the customer may choose to assign your company to receive the rebate check in the program application


If you have any questions on this application, please contact us via phone or email.

Trade Ally Application Process

Please complete and sign this online application and upload applicable documents. The PSE&G Business Energy Saver Trade Ally team will review all applications, verify the information provided and contact the references listed. If any information is missing or more information is needed, we will contact you to request an update.

Prior to application approval, at least one (1) member of your team must attend Trade Ally Training. Upon application approval, your company name and contact information will be added to the Find a Trade Ally database and we will contact you with additional on-boarding information.

  • -Upload your current W-9 form, verifiable licenses and certifications, and insurance documents on page 3 of this application.
  • -Fill out all pages of the application and digitally sign it on page 4.
  • -Attend required training

IMPORTANT: The information completed in the "Company Information" section of the application will be the information included in the Find a Trade Ally database.

PSE&G provides the list of energy-efficient equipment and service providers as Trade Allies for informational purposes only. PSE&G makes no representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied with respect to its furnishing of a list of energy efficiency equipment and service providers. PSE&G makes no representation as to any benefit that will or will not be realized as a result of being a Trade Ally, including but not limited to the amount of work that a Trade Ally will get or the nature of any such work. Under no circumstances will PSE&G be liable to applicant or any Trade Ally for any damages arising out of or relating to its application or status as a Trade Ally, including but not limited to any indirect, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages.

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